Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Car park soccer"

Tonight I met up with NCS (Newcastle christian students) a local club at the university. They had an introductory BBQ dinner (much tastier than the stuff at school) and took everyone out for a walk to the lighthouse to catch the sunset. I was able to make friends with a couple of aussie guys who invited me to play car park soccer, a game of madness!
After meetings, some of the NCS students head over to the campus parking structure for car park soccer. There are two decent size colums that serve as goals, the rest of the structure (fences, walls, ceilings, colums) are fair game. People show up and leave when they want, randomly pick a side to be on, and jump into the mix. Last night about 40 people got together to play, the game resembeled something like an 8 year old AYSO game, every player chasing after the ball and kicking wildly. This was an amazingly fun way to spend the evening


  1. What fun! We're so glad to hear you're jumping into the social scene! :o) Aussies, I've heard, are a pretty "sturdy" bunch!
    It was good to hear from you this morning. We'll look forward to a lengthier conversation on Sunday.
    Miss you, love you!!!

  2. Hi Gavin; Just talked with Terrie and Bob.Today
    is Saturday February 27- 2010- 11:05 am.Sounds like you are getting acquainted and adjusted.
    We are taking the Camry to Roswell Monday to
    get the accelerator adjusted. We really are
    enjoying your daily comments-Keep them coming.
    Send your address . Love Nan & Grandad

  3. Gavin I just can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I actually have sat here alone reading and just LOL -- I am living vicariously through you! How marvelous is your adventure and it makes my heart so happy to see how God is blessing you and in return blessing those of us who love you and get to share this part of your life. Thank you Honey, I love you and miss you. Aunt Sandy
