Today we commissioned a long boat to tour the surrounding islands of Koh Phi Phi.
The first stop
was Monkey Beach, a 100m stretch of beach surrounded by dense foliage and a several dozen wild monkeys. After our stint with the Cambodian monkeys, we felt confident and ready for interaction. We were warned that these monkeys are extremely aggressive and will attack if you run from them, "no problem" I thought, "monkeys love me". Like a proper tourist, I shuffled over to their congregation, armed with my camera in one hand and pineapple in the other, I had grin that suggested questionable intellect.
I wasn't alarme
d when four monkeys surrounded me, I had pineapple and the aforementioned grin. The tides turned when another tourist, who was less versed in monkey business, sprinted away from a monkey she was tormenting with an empty beer bottle. Her flee overtook the surrounding monkey's primal instinct, the closest one grabbed my leg and gave me crazy eyes. I held my ground and he decided to bite me in the knee (didn't break skin thankfully) which caused me to let out a strikingly masculine yell. Back to the boat.
We then did
a bit of snorkeling
We traveled
to a secluded cove
And finished our tour on Maya B
each, the famous location of "The Beach" starring Leonardo Dicaprio. Even with the hundreds of tourists that flock to experience the beauty and grandeur of this cove, the scenery hasn't lost any of its magic.
After about an hour of marveling the unnaturally soft sand, clear waters, and captivating cliffs, we jumped back on the water taxi and enjoyed the setting sun on the way back to Phi Phi.
The Beach always did enthrall me. Such a great movie.